Wednesday, March 4, 2015

The treasure box

But Mary treasured up all these things and pondered them in her heart. (Luke 2:19)

On January 29, 2015, my life was forever changed.  My oldest son, Jake,  went home to The Lord that day. I remember sitting in the ICU of Texas Children's Hospital numb and in shock, but also in awe of the handiwork of God. The presence of God, His Love and Peace was palpable that day and in the days and weeks to follow.  So much of the scripture I had hidden in my heart over the years came and ministered to me.  I remember thinking how like, Mary, I wanted to store up those memories like treasures for later.  As I write this it has been just a little over a month without him. 34 days and 3 hours to be exact. I miss him every minute of every day. I can't imagine that ever ending, but writing down these little treasures of memories is helping me....

My hope is that through the blog I can store up as many of these moments as possible.  Remembering Jake and seeing God through it all.


  1. Bless you on your journey. It helped me so much to blog when Dave first passed away. I don't do it as much now, but I found it was so helpful. Thank you for allowing us to come along on your journey. We loved Jake and we love you!! Praying always!!
